Samsung Electronics has unveiled a new smartphone Samsung SCH-W999 with two SIM cards. The model was announced in China, the operator China Telecom, it is of interest, including those that received just two touch screen Super AMOLED 3.5 inch and 480 x 800 pixels. The device is made ββin a clamshell and screens located on the upper panel, and inside. The smartphone runs on an operating system Android 2.3 interface TouchWiz.
Samsung SCH-W999 is based on dual-core processor Qualcomm MSM8660 processor with a clock frequency of 1.2 GHz and works in networks GSM and CDMA2000/EV-DO (dual-). Of the other specifications of this new product is worth to mention a 5 megapixel camera, support for Bluetooth 3.0, Wi-Fi and WAPI (the Chinese version of Wi-Fi, if simplistic), 16 GB of internal memory and MicroSD slot. The dimensions of the device are 111mm height, 79 mm width, weight – 206 grams.
Release of news is expected next year (2012), it is not clear what will be the price, but the predecessor unit – Samsung SCH-W899 – cost of 8990 yuan ($ 1410). Samsung SCH-W999, in turn, can be expensive. The Samsung SCH-W999 Price in India and the release date is still not announced.