This affiliate website terms and conditions template may be used on websites that produce income by means of affiliate links.
The template contains a comprehensive disclaimer regarding the role of the affiliate, and in particular, is intended to release the affiliate from any responsibility for the conduct of third party merchants. More generally, the terms and conditions seek to avoid any liability on the part of the affiliate that may arise from the relationships between merchants and users.
In addition to the standard document, the following variations are available:
- social and affiliate website T&Cs, for social networking websites that earn income through affiliate links; and
- directory, affiliate and advertising website T&Cs, for directories that earn affiliate income.
Guidelines for acceptable use of the website are included. These guidelines include provisions prohibiting any harmful, unlawful or illegal acts; further prohibitions may be added as required.
The consequences of breaching the terms and conditions are clearly explained to the user.
Other provisions in this agreement address copyright and licensing, and the prevention of data collection. The affiliate may spell out additional guidelines for the user with respect to registration and accounts, user IDs and passwords, and account suspension and cancellation. This template also grants a license to the website owner when a user submits content, and spells out the conditions this content must meet to comply with the terms and conditions.
Additional assurance is offered through a limited warranties provision. The affiliate website owner makes it clear in the T&Cs that he or she does not guarantee the accuracy, timeliness or availability of the website’s content.
The document also includes standard provisions regarding liability limitations, indemnity, and severability.
NB: This document is concerned with the legal relationship between the affiliate and users of the website; it is not meant to regulate the legal relationship between the affiliate and third-party merchants.