Supreme Court of India wants to censor Google and Facebook




Supreme Court of India has warned the Indian missions of the companies Google and Facebook, that access to their sites can be blocked in the country if they start pre-moderation of published material. According to the statement of Judge Suresh Kait, if companies do not develop and put into place a mechanism to identify and remove “offensive and controversial” records, access to their sites will be blocked, as was done in China. In response, Google representatives said that there is traceability of all records that are indexed by the search engine giant.

Google India

As the agency “AFP” action to take similar action was filed by journalist Vinay Ray. He considered that Internet companies are responsible for publishing messages in their resources and accused Google and Facebook in preventing “religious harmony” and “national integration” in India. The agency “Reuters” reports that the law, according to which site owners are responsible for publication in their data, was adopted in India last year. The protests of human rights defenders in the country authorities responded that the conservative state with a long history of conflicts between different religious groups, the publication of offensive images could be dangerous. The Act provides for the abolition of the controversial material within 36 hours of receipt of the complaint against them. In December 2011 the Minister of Communications and Information Technology of India Kapil Sibal told Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo and other companies to remove pages from abusive material. However, it should be noted that now internet in India is much more freely than in China.


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