The first Tablet PC operating system Windows 8, the one that was demonstrated at a conference for developers Build, went on sale on internet auction site eBay for price of $ 3,500 (about Rs.1,75,000). So far, the device is presented under the name Samsung Windows 8 Developer PC, 5000 Tablet went to software developers so they can prepare for the launch of the new operating system next year.
Some developers have decided to earn some money right now, holding an exclusive technique for auction. 3.5 thousand dollars – a lot of the tablet in the development stage without any running applications. For the cost of a Samsung Windows 8 Developer PC it is possible to buy seven tablets Apple iPad, but on the other hand, an exclusive low cost will not be. The device, which is hardly ever officially available in retail stores, is a slightly modified version of the Samsung Series 7 tablets provided by the company at the IFA 2011.