The Samsung Pebble S is a compact MP3 player, which was introduced along with the Samsung Galaxy S3. The Pebble S can be used as an accessory for the Galaxy S3 by connecting with a cable, then you can easily drag’n'drop music from phone to MP3 player. The S Pebble is portable device designed for fitness enthusiasts and athletes. The S Pebble offers 4GB of storage memory and comes with a battery life of 17 hours.
The Samsung S Pebble is a sports MP3 player. The dimensions of the player are 4.30 x 2.30 x 1.30 inches. The operating time of the player depends on the degree of use. The Samsung Pebble S is available in white and blue.
The Samsung S Pebble has 4 GB internal memory. There are no expansion slots for memory cards available. It is not possibly to tracks data (eg Windows Explorer) directly on your S Pebble that can be only done with the supplied software.
With the Samsung Pebble S you can play MP3, WMA, OGG and FLAC music files. The quality of these files is similar to CD quality. This Samsung has no built-in FM radio. A voice recorder is missing. The price of Samsung S Pebble in India is still not known.
Specifications of Samsung S Pebble :
Dimensions : 43.0 x 23.0 x 13.0 mm
Memory : 4 GB ♦ no expansion slot (s)
Audio formats : MP3, WMA, OGG and FLAC
Color : White and blue