Unfortunately, it seems that no high-end smartphone is exempt from the battery problems , because now it is up to turn Samsung Galaxy Nexus .
Samsung and Google have done a great job to get a smartphone that is offered above many others, the Samsung Galaxy Nexus is one of the fastest phones we have to Android, but since then we have to see how hard it would put Samsung because the HTC Zeta and 4 processing cores come treading stronger with each passing month. But apparently, for faster and is a high-end phone, the battery problem is always present.
The latest smartphones that have had problems with this were the Nokia 800 and the known Lumia iPhone 4S , these two terminals have had serious problems that caused the complaint of many of its users, but at least Apple and Nokia have announced already working to achieve as quickly as possible to arrange these battery problems. But the newest member of this group is the Samsung Nexus Galaxy .
Many say that the battery problems Samsung Nexus Galaxy due to the screen, since it has very good quality and a relatively high brightness, making it significantly reduce battery life, but the strange thing is that the mobile consumes more battery “Stand By” on, and gives to think that the problem is not the screen, as AMOLED technology usually eat almost anything while you’re off.
Others meanwhile, attributed this problem to the radio module, which may be transmitting at a high frequency caused by the consumption of the battery faster.
Whatever the error, Samsung and Google have not yet given any explanation of this, but expect them soon.