The new LG Xnote Z330 is a ultrabook, an ultra compact laptop with its 14.7 mm thick and just 1.21 kg, has among its advantages a storage solid state (an SSD) that lets you boot your system in record time: 9.9 seconds, the price is $ 1,500 (USD) as announced in Korea for the models with Intel Core i5 processor, 4GB of RAM and 120GB SSD, connectivity ports including USB 3.0, Bluetooth 3.0, HDMI Intel WiDi technology which allows you to stream into the modern HDTV, on the other side of your screen is LED backlit 13.3-inch resolution of 1366 x 768 pixels, the graphics performance is borne by an Intel HD Graphics 3000, but if we are a little more demanding in terms of specifications and instead of a processor i7 i5 and also would like a 256GB SSD would have to pay $ 800 extra.