A new smartphone to Dell, identified as Dell Streak Pro 101DL appeared at the FCC. The Streak Pro , which was announced a couple of months by the Japanese operator SoftBank. The Specification of Dell Streak Pro 101DL includes QHD AMOLED screen has a 4.3 inch and a processor Qualcomm Snapdragon 1.5GHz dual-core. The visit of Dell at the FCC suggests that the Streak Pro smartphone could also be launched in the West and supports 1700MHz, it uses T-Mobile 3G network.
The Dell Streak Pro is expected in January in Japan and could also be destined for China based on the Baidu Yi mobile platform. For the rest of the features, have 8GB of internal storage and slot microSD.
The Dell Streak Pro 101DL Price in India and the release date is still not announced.