Beetel Teletech, a group company of Bharti Enterprises, has launched a new tablet called “Magiq Glide”. The new Beetel tablet runs on Android OS 2.2 Froyo. Beetel has previously released Magiq and Magiq II tablets.
The new tablet Glide Magiq comes with call function SIM. It also has a 7.0 inch WVGA screen, front and rear 2 MP camera and 8 GB internal memory which is expandable to 16 GB. The device comes with a battery of 2,200 mAh and is compatible with Wi-Fi and 3 G. The Magiq Glide is powered by a 1 GHz processor speed faster processing. The tablet also offers access to Android Market.
During the inauguration of the product, Mr. Vinod Sawhny-Executive Director & CEO, Beetel Teletech Limited, said, “The plan Magiq is the latest addition to our range of tablets with the successful Magiq has been very popular with Indian consumers. After extensive market research and taking into account comments received from our customers about our previous products with the plan we have created Magiq. The new tablet has all the features available in our previous products like our customers and we have also added a capacitive touch screen to enhance the contact experience. “
The Beetel Magiq Glide has been released and Price in India is Rs.11,999.