What is Full HD




Full HD – a marketing name, first introduced by Sony in 2007 for its some products. It is used to broadcast high definition television (HDTV) and in the movies recorded on the disc Blu-Ray and HD-DVD.

HDTV (High Definition Television) – this is television, suggesting the image resolution of 1920 × 1080. 1920 × 1080 is 1080p – a progressive format and 1080i – interlaced format recording frame when one frame consists of two half-field.

There is a version of the Full HD anamorphic with non-square pixels and the size of 1440 × 1080 pixels (pixel ratio of the parties 1.33, so the resulting aspect ratio is still 16:9 (1440 * 1.33/1080)).

In almost all formats of traditional terrestrial television aspect ratio of the image is 4:3, but in the standard Full HD (high definition) image aspect ratio is 16:9.

Full HD Logo

On the HDTV-TV (LCD, plasma or some models of CRT TVs) can display conventional (4:3) images in four ways:

  1. “Fit in size” – frame is fully displayed, right and left are empty (black) stripes;
  2. “Stretch to the size” – the frame is stretched to the width of the screen, disproportionately, making the image stretched to the sides. For more or less adequate perception of pictures, distortions are more exposed to the right and left of the frame, keeping the center with almost no deformation;
  3. “Scaled and cropped” – frame increases proportionally to the width of the screen, with the top and bottom images partially clipped (beyond). In its pure form is rarely a map;
  4. Combines methods 2 and 3 simultaneously (ie, top and bottom of the frame is cut to a lesser extent, plus expands in breadth).



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